
Foundation Studies

As a first-year student, 你需要学习跨学科的基础课程,并且与MCAD的课程相交叉. These courses expose you to a wide 各种 of techniques, 工具, 和概念, while supporting your integration into the MCAD community. 基础研究的目标是建立艺术和设计技能的坚实基础, 关键概念, 和历史,同时进一步发展写作和研究技能. All MCAD students take Foundation: 2D, Foundation: Drawing 1, Foundation: Media 1, and Writing and Inquiry. Working with an advisor, 你确定额外的基础课程,以支持你在感兴趣的领域的发展.

Declaring a Major

Following your first year of study, 你与顾问和各种导师一起确定你的目标并选择专业. 你必须在MCAD的第三学期之前选择专业. Bachelor of Science students do not need to declare; they are automatically Creative Entrepreneurship majors.

Foundation Studies Courses

Foundation: 2D


基础:2D是对创造性思维的介绍,培养学生的研究技能, 观察, interpretation, and self-expression. 重点放在探索新的方式来阅读和看世界, as well as new ways to report on it. 学生通过使用各种媒体学习基本的二维原理, 工具, 材料, 和流程. 结果是, 学生发展一种视觉和口头的分析语言, 组织, 塑造, and communicating two-dimensional form and meaning.

Foundation: Drawing 1


基础:绘画1是一门绘画入门课程,旨在为学生在学院所有专业的学习做准备. Students develop basic drawing skills, 包括感知和表达视觉关系的能力, organize a two-dimensional composition, and depict and manipulate form, 空间, 和光线. 学生直接观察静物、室内空间和景观.

Foundation: Media 1


在MCAD,学生们在探索数字媒体的同时,也会接触到数字资源. Areas covered include the Service Bureau, 灰色的工作室, and 媒体中心, along with other digital resources. 学生使用各种软件和硬件来学习处理录制媒体的基础知识, including video, 声音, and photography, 以及发展讨论媒体和媒体艺术家的批判性语言. 

Foundation: Media 2


Building on the knowledge acquired in Foundation: Media 1, this course engages students’ skills in 观察, 记录, 编辑, critical analysis, and conceptualization within media arts. Through discussions, 讲座, and creative projects, 学生将探索各种媒体呈现模式以及动态图像和多媒体工作的力量. 利用数字技术加深媒体和技术基础, 学生探索复杂的概念和技术,创造有影响力的工作. Prerequisite: Foundation: Media 1

Foundation: 3D


本课程介绍了视觉创作在知识发展中的理解, 想象力, and perception. 向学生介绍基本的三维概念以及材料和技术生产过程. 课堂活动包括工具和技术的车间演示, 讲座, 批评, 讨论有利于促进理论与实践的平衡融合.

Foundation: Drawing 2


基础:绘图2是一个基于观察的绘图课程,旨在加强和发展基础:绘图1中建立的基本绘图技能. 学生的工作与各种主题,包括大量的绘图从数字. In addition to working from direct 观察, students explore drawing as a tool for invention, conceptualization, and idea development. 本课程还为学生提供了一个机会,以更广泛和更深入地调查绘图材料比基础:绘图1. Prerequisite: Foundation: Drawing 1

Ideation and Process


Everything we make has its beginning as an idea, 当艺术家/设计师做出一系列决定来指导其创意演变时,会形成什么. 本课程旨在帮助学生探索新想法的发展和他们自己的制作过程. 学生还创建可视化工具来跟踪他们的创作过程,从想法到施工,然后到后期制作分析. 课程包括讨论、评论、练习和可视化日志. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing

Sophomore Seminar: Contemporary Practice


Practice is more than working methods: it’s the context, 市场营销, and creative 空间 that maintain creative work. 当代实践向学生介绍基础, 各种, and 工具 of a professional practice. Students upgrade websites and documentation, enter contests, and create professional presentations of their work. Classes consist of 讲座, student presentations, and guest speakers from a wide range of disciplines. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing

Writing and Inquiry


Key to the creative and critical growth of the engaged, 成功的艺术家是参与写作和探究的文化. 本课程的学生专注于他们将在MCAD的课程中遇到和产生的写作类型,并作为创造性的专业人士. 定期的写作工作坊让学生专注于体验和实际的写作方法. 学生通过课堂作业探索各种文本和对象, 然后运用各种修辞和叙事策略,写出清晰有力的文章. 

Introduction to Art and Design: 历史 1


本课程的目的是使学生熟悉主要的文体, 主题, 文化, 以及艺术史从史前时代到19世纪的历史变迁. 本课程帮助学生发展对艺术对象的意义和功能的解释和理解的关键工具, 体系结构, 并在其原始历史背景下设计文物. 课堂主要由讲课和一些讨论组成. 学生参加课堂考试并完成短文作业.

Introduction to Art and Design 历史 2


This course introduces students to issues in modern art, popular culture, and contemporary art and design. Topics may include the expanding audience for art, the transformation of the art market, the impact of new technologies, the changing status of the artist, and the role of art in society. This course is taught as a seminar with some 讲座. 前提条件:艺术与设计史入门1或教师许可